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Chart and Datatable

Hi Gurus, i have the following issue. I want to create a column chart which is based on a Database table of the following structure. Unamelong Usagetime Startdate DEMO 18 26.07.2005 Kai Wachter 466 25.07.2005 Kai Wachter 7 26.07.2005 what i now try to achieve is a column chart with the days on the x-axis and the duration as keyfigure. For each user should be a separate column. Thanks for your help. best regards, kai

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 28, 2005 11:39 PM UTC

Hi Kai, I am working on this sample and will post it within the next few hours. We regret for the delay. Thanks, Davis

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 29, 2005 03:47 PM UTC

Hi Kai, Please see the sample linked to below: http://www.syncfusion.com/support/user/Uploads/F32267_ChartDataBindQuery_9354.zip The sample displays each of the entries as a column. To group each user into a series, a new dataset would have to be defined and the data for the user separated into a separate datatable. Thanks, Davis

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