Syncfusion Team
July 29, 2005 01:32 PM UTC
Hi Cradle,
in your Model_SaveCellFormattedText you can convert the string into a number, e.g.
double d;
if (double.TryParse(e.Text.Substring(0, e.Text.Length - 1), out d)
e.Style.CellValue = d/100;
e.Handled = true;
>In my gridGroupingControl,
>i have rows like that:
>(Row3 is calculated from Row2/Row1,Row 6 is calculate from Row5/Row4, User also can key Row3 and Row 6,
>Row1 10 20 30
>Row2 2 5 6
>Row3 20% 25% 20%
>Row4 20 20 40
>Row5 4 5 8
>Row6 20% 25% 20%
>I have to question below:
>, I using TableControlCurrentCellAcceptedChanges to handle it,if Row1 or Row2 changed,i can calculate Row3 and Row6 in this event.But copy/past do not hire this event,how can i do to let paste(Ctrl+V) row3=row2/row1 and Row6=Row5/Row4?
>2. i use Model_QueryCellFormattedText/Model_SaveCellFormattedText to format Row3 and Row6
>in Model_QueryCellFormattedText
>//if is row3 or Row 6
>double d;
> if(double.TryParse(e.Style.Text, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any, null, out d))
> {
> //e.Text = e.Style.Text + " %";
> d=d*100;
> d=System.Math.Round(d,2);
> e.Text = d.ToString() + "%";
> e.Style.Format="###0.##%";
> e.Handled = true;
> }
>in Model_SaveCellFormattedText
>//if Row3 or row6
> {
> e.Style.Text = e.Text.Substring(0, e.Text.Length - 1);
> e.Handled = true;
> }
> break;
>If i Copy row3 to row 6:(copy 20% ,but paste is 2000% )How can i handle it?