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formats in grid cell

hi, what are the different formats that i can assign to a cell ?? for example , what do i do if i have to allow only numeric values into a particular cell ??(other than handling keypress)

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 20, 2005 08:04 AM UTC

The CurrentCellValidateString event is the grid event you can use to do key by key validation (like only accepting numeric characters). To specify a format on a cell, you can set style.Format and style.CellvalueType for the cell (or column in a GridDataBoundGrid or GridGroupingCOntrol). But this will only display the problem when your user leaves the cell. It will not prevent him from typing anything. Another way you can control what is permitted in a cell is to use a MaskEdit CellType. \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Windows\Grid.Windows\Samples\CellTypes\MaskEditCells

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