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MonthCalendar problem

Hi, I put MonthCalendar into my GridDataBoundGrid. But when put bad dat into the cell(keep cell in edit mode), then click anthing(like button or text box). It first pop up error messge, then whole program got crashed. It checked with GridControl, It''s work fine. I attached a simple testing program.please take a look at it. 1) Click the Date Cell. 2) put "12" in cell 3) Click Button or try to close form 4) Pop up error message, then crashed Thanks. grid_2551.zip

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 14, 2005 11:05 PM UTC

I could not find a MonthCalender cell in the VB form you attached. Did you attach the proper file, or did I miss something?

SH Shuyang He July 18, 2005 02:17 PM UTC

Hi, Clay I attached wrong zip. Sorry about it. here is one. Thanks. --Shuyang He >Hi, > I put MonthCalendar into my GridDataBoundGrid. >But when put bad dat into the cell(keep cell in edit mode), then click anthing(like button or text box). It first pop up error messge, then whole program got crashed. It checked with GridControl, It''s work fine. > >I attached a simple testing program.please take a look at it. > >1) Click the Date Cell. >2) put "12" in cell >3) Click Button or try to close form >4) Pop up error message, then crashed >Thanks. > >grid_2551.zip > > calendar_7647.zip

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 18, 2005 04:51 PM UTC

I can see this problem in, but not in the release that will be out shortly.

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