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GGC mouse events

Hi, I''m trying to display a context menu in GGC whan a user RIGHT clicks on a column header. Initially I tried to wire gridGroupingControl.MouseDown /MouseUp - but none of them would fire. Then I tried: gridGroupingControl.TableControlCellMouseUp and gridGroupingControl.TableControlCellClick , which worked ok, but I still have 2 problems: 1. When I set gridGroupingControl.TableControl.Model.Options.SelectCellsMouseButtonsMask=MouseButtons.Left the event would fire on right click. 2. When I''m tring to detect cell type inside a handler: GridCurrentCell cc = e.TableControl.CurrentCell; GridTableCellStyleInfo style = e.TableControl.Model[cc.RowIndex, cc.ColIndex]; style.TableCellIdentity.TableCellType will be set to either AnyCell or AnyRecordFieldCell, but not to ColumnHeaderCell or AnyHeaderCell. Could you please point me to right direction? Thank you

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 11, 2005 07:17 PM UTC

Instead of trying to use the CurrentCell.RowIndex, ColIndex to try to get the row/col to use to retrieve the style, use e.TableControl.PointToRowCol.

IV Ivan July 11, 2005 07:34 PM UTC

Thank you. This works great! How do I go about suppressing the Right Click event, so it does not get passed to the grid and column does not get sorted? Thank you

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 11, 2005 07:38 PM UTC

Try setting e.Inner.Cancel = true.

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