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Adjusting the XPTaskBarBox position within the XPTaskBar

Would it be possible to have properties available to adjust the position of the XPTaskBarBox within the XPTaskBar? What I am looking for is a way to adjust the size of the XPTaskBarBoxes so that they do not touch neither the edges of the XPTaskBar container nor the edges of other XPTaskBarBoxes. See attached screenshot. Since the XPTaskBarBoxes appear to be simply docked to the top edge of the XPTaskBar, the property could be something similar to the DockPadding property found on a standard panel control.

3 Replies

RP Ramesh Praveen Syncfusion Team March 6, 2003 12:12 PM UTC

We already do support padding the space between the boxes through the XPTaskBar's DockPadding property. Please refer to our GroupBar Package\XPTaskBar sample. Regards, Praveen Ramesh

CW Charles Wolfersberger March 6, 2003 08:15 PM UTC

Sorry about that...I am starting to miss the obvious. Time to take a day off and do something that involves sunshine and fresh air. :) Chuck

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 11, 2003 06:47 PM UTC

That's ok. You are welcome.

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