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TraderGridTest sample

It looks like in a ''drawDirectToDC = true'' mode, the cells invalidated by the grid itself (for instance while you’re moving a window on top of the grid) are not refreshed correctly. The grid fires a ''QueryCellInfo'' event and redraws only the region which is actually invalidated, not the entire cell. In TraderGridTest sample, try to move a window slowly over the cells which are not updated and you should be able see the effect I’m talking about. Any idea how to overcome this problem? Cheers, Plamen

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 11, 2005 09:08 AM UTC

This is a problem in the sample itself. In the sample, the backcolor is provided ramdomly in QueryCellInfo everytime the cell (or a part of the cell is redrawn). This means if only a portion of the cell is drawn, then it may be drawn with a different backcolor than what was there before. Here is the sample modified to avoid this problem. http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/user/uploads/TraderGridTest_bf89f2c1.zip

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