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Licensing Issues

Is the file licenses.licx supposed to be included in our project as a resource or are we supposed to run lc.exe on licenses.licx first ? If so, in which folder can we find lc.exe ? We are having trouble running our app on a machine without Essential Studio installed. It works fine on the build machine (except that it always tries to use the dlls from the GAC so we force it to use the dlls in our build directory by removing the dlls in the GAC - is that the right way to do this btw ?). Thanks a lot.

7 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 8, 2005 02:53 AM UTC

Hi Mike Which version of Essential Studio are you using? What is the error message you are getting? As noted in this Knowledgebase article: http://www.syncfusion.com/support/kb/suite/Default.aspx?ToDo=view&questId=19&catId=2 to deploy applications: a) Applications must be built on a machine which has a licensed version of Essential Suite installed. If it is a build machine then a link license should be installed. . b) There should also be a proper licenses.licx file included as an embedded resource. You could use Reflector to check your application as demonstrated in this screenshot. to ensure that your application is indeed compiled with the proper licenses.licx file. c) And you should ensure that you are shipping the required assemblies as listed in the Important Redistribution Information document available from the Start Menu. So ensure that you address a, b and c as listed above before testing deployment. Regards, Arun

MA Mike Adewole July 8, 2005 08:13 PM UTC

>Hi Mike > >Which version of Essential Studio are you using? What is the error message you are getting? > >As noted in this Knowledgebase article: >http://www.syncfusion.com/support/kb/suite/Default.aspx?ToDo=view&questId=19&catId=2 >to deploy applications: > >a) Applications must be built on a machine which has a licensed version of Essential Suite installed. If it is a build machine then a link license should be installed. >. > >b) There should also be a proper licenses.licx file included as an embedded resource. > >You could use Reflector to check your application as demonstrated in this screenshot. >to ensure that your application is indeed compiled with the proper licenses.licx file. > >c) And you should ensure that you are shipping the required assemblies as listed in the Important Redistribution Information document available from the Start Menu. > >So ensure that you address a, b and c as listed above before testing deployment. > >Regards, >Arun > > Hi Arun, I''ve followed your instructions as well as what I could find on the web (e.g. at http://www.xheo.com/xdn/kb/article/10006.aspx) but I''m still having problems. Essential Studio Enterprise is installed on my machine so I shouldn''t need a link license. But I keep getting the "uanble to grant runtime license" dialog when I run our app. I''m using Syncfusion.Calculate in a mixed-mode dll. Reflector shows that a .licenses file is present in the dll. The .licx file that I compiled with lc.exe to generate the .licenses file contains the single line: Syncfusion.Core.Licensing.LicensedComponent, Syncfusion.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=632609b4d040f6b4 The environment is visual studio 2003 version 7.1.3088 with .Net Framework 1.1 version 1.1.4322 SP1. What else am I missing ?

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 9, 2005 08:50 AM UTC

Hi Mike, Try changing the text in the licx file to Syncfusion.Core.Licensing.LicensedComponent, Syncfusion.Core to see if that takes care of this issue. What do you mean by mixed-mode? On the target system, are there any old syncfusion dll''s (or policy files) in the GAC, or has the target system ever had previous versions on the Syncfusion libraries installed? The reason I ask is that for the licensing, the mechanism for license checks is supposed to be the same for both build and target systems. If your app is licensed on your build machine, it should be licensed on the deployment machine as well. The faq that this is not true in your case may suggest that somehow old syncfusion DLLs are being used on the deployment system. Clay

MA Mike Adewole July 11, 2005 05:10 PM UTC

>Hi Mike, > >Try changing the text in the licx file to > >Syncfusion.Core.Licensing.LicensedComponent, Syncfusion.Core > >to see if that takes care of this issue. > >What do you mean by mixed-mode? > >On the target system, are there any old syncfusion dll''s (or policy files) in the GAC, or has the target system ever had previous versions on the Syncfusion libraries installed? > >The reason I ask is that for the licensing, the mechanism for license checks is supposed to be the same for both build and target systems. If your app is licensed on your build machine, it should be licensed on the deployment machine as well. The faq that this is not true in your case may suggest that somehow old syncfusion DLLs are being used on the deployment system. > >Clay > Hi Clay, By mixed mode, I mean that our app is standard C++ and we wrote this dll to wrap Syncfusion.Calculate so that our app can use it. An example of our situation is described at http://msdn.microsoft.com/msdnmag/issues/05/04/C/default.aspx. The Syncfusion dlls (Calculate.dll + Core.dll) that we include in our app are copied from Essential Studio\Assemblies\1.1 on the build machine. But so far, any time we try to make our app use Syncfusion.Calculate on a clean machine, it just fails (we DON''T get the "unable to grant runtime license" dialog). We can make our app use another calculation engine that we are also evaluating. Plus we can make our app use Syncfusion.Calculate on the machine that has Essential Studio installed. So this does look like a licensing issue. PS: (1) There are no previous Syncfusion dlls on the clean machine we are testing with and Essntial Studio was never installed on the machine. (2) We started with the text you suggested in the licx file and that didn''t work either, but we''ll try it again. Mike

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 11, 2005 07:37 PM UTC

Do you have a managed DLL that accesses the Syncfusion libraries? If so, is this where you are including the licx as an embedded resource? And you have verified using the .Net Reflector that resource is there? One comment is that with 3.2 licensing, the licensing checks are even done on systems with the Syncfusion libraries installed. The reason for this is that users were running into problems when they try to deploy. Requiring the licensing on the development machines means any license problem will be encountererd early, and not late, in the development cycle.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 11, 2005 10:57 PM UTC

Here are the steps you would use to license a managed CPP windows application. Maybe something like this will work for you mixed type project. 1) Add this line to a file named license.licx in your project folder. Syncfusion.Core.Licensing.LicensedComponent, Syncfusion.Core 2) From a command line, run LC.exe to create a license file: lc /target:mcpp.exe /complist:licenses.licx /i:Syncfusion.Core.DLL Here mcpp.exe is the name of your exe. 3) Then add the file created in step 2, mcpp.exe.licenses, to your managed C++ application as an embedded resource. In VS.NET, right click the project in the Solution Explorer, and then select Properties->Linker->Input, and then add the newly created licenses file in the entry for Embed Managed Resource File. When you rebuild your executable, the licenses file will be embedded into it for run-time deployment.

MA Mike Adewole July 20, 2005 03:14 PM UTC

>Here are the steps you would use to license a managed CPP windows application. Maybe something like this will work for you mixed type project. > Hi Clay, We''ve followed your instructions and waiting to hear from our QA. I''ll let you know if it works. I do have another question. Can we support the addition and deletion of rows and cols when using the Calculate engine ? Will the engine automatically adjust the column and row references in our formulas when a row or column is added or deleted ? Any idea on how we can support this critical functionality with Calculate (or any other library in Essential Studio Enterprise) will be appreciated. Thanks, Mike.

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