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Use Enumeration as Cell Value Type?

Is it possible to use an Enum as the value type for a cell? In particular, the cells I need this for are all comboboxes. I put the name of my enum (TypeEnum) under CellValueType for the corresponding base style, which seemed to work OK, but when I use dataGrid[row,col].CellValue, it returns an object and throws an invalid cast message when I try (TypeEnum) dataGrid[row,col].CellValue Where to, Gumshoe? ------ LSMFT

4 Replies

ML Mary Livingstone July 7, 2005 06:33 PM UTC

Actually, Jack meant "unable to convert" error, instead of just "bad cast". Probably same difference but hey. Jack''s too cheap to post again, so I had to do it. He didn''t want to have to tip the computer (that''s a PCMCIA rack, not a coin slot!)

MC Martin Cyr July 7, 2005 06:43 PM UTC

Check out System.Enum.GetNames. It returns an array of strings wich you can then use as DataSource.

MC Martin Cyr July 7, 2005 06:47 PM UTC

I''m sorry, I misread your post, what you want in the situation might be more like System.Enum.Parse or .GetValues Sorry

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 7, 2005 10:12 PM UTC

Here is a sample using Enums in a combobox without this casting problem. You can also type the enum text into the cell as well. Do you need something different? http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/user/uploads/GC_CustomObject_728fd939.zip

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