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two issues???

Hello, after updating from 2.05 to the latest syncfusion version i have got some serios problems with the diagram. 1) when adding links programmatically between center ports of custom symbols some links are not drawn connected to the target symbols (they are ending a bit before). after moving the symbol everything is allright. maybe you''ve a hint for me what i''ve done wrong, but with your previous version of diagram i didn''t have this problem. 2) the second major problem: my custom symbol has two labels as childs (i''m quite sure that all bounds are correct). when clicking on a symbol i discovered that even nodes that are not lying at the clicked position are returned in the NodeClick event (this problem only exists if labels are inside of the symbol). So i tried to find out how this is possible and detected that the SymbolBase:ContainsPoint(PointF ptTest, float fSlop, Graphics grfx) method sometimes returns true even if the clicking-position is not within the bounds of the label (i also tried it with one of your sampels and the method returned false instead of true when clicking on a label). i rebuilt the method in my own code to see what happens: after pushing the LocalTransformation matrix object on the Global.MatrixStack, the stack returns a matrix object with some offset. in the next step the GraphicsPath, which describes the bounds of the label, is transformed with the returned matrix. because of this transformation it is possible that the check of the bounds can fail... maybe you could take a look at this code or give me a hint how to prevent this behavior. best regards, andi

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 8, 2005 06:15 PM UTC

Hi Andi, I would like to look into these issues. Can you please send us a small sample that will enable us to reproduce both problems. If your custom symbol is defined using the SymbolDesigner, see if you can send us the symbol palette file that contains it as well. Thanks, Prakash Surendra Syncfusion Inc.,

AF andreas fellner July 8, 2005 07:06 PM UTC

Hi, i''m sorry, but i have no time at the moment to program a sample showing the issues, because i''ll be on holidays for the next two weeks... to reproduce the second issue i mentioned just start the sample "OrgLayout_2003" provided in the install package. move the first node ("Nancy Daf") in the middle of the diagram and click on the employer number label of the node directly. when you set a breakpoint into the mentioned method, you''ll see that the "hittest" for the label you clicked fails because of the transformation matrix. the linking proplem concerns only symbols with more than one incoming link. my symbols are created programatically without the builder and similar to the "orglayout" symbols. maybe this is important: i don''t use the snaptogrid function of the diagram... maybe i can send you a sample code after my holidays in two weeks demostrating the linking problem... regards, andi

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 12, 2005 02:51 PM UTC

Andi, We are working on reproducing the two problems, and will update you as soon as we learn something about the issue. Regards, Prakash Surendra Syncfusion Inc.,

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