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AutoComplete in grid dropdown cell

Hi, I want to use auto complete in a grid cell. It should work like this: When the user types in text into a cell the dropdown should open automatically and jump to the first matching value in the list. As soon as there is only a single match the dropdown should close again. In addition I want to reduce the content of the dropdown fitting the typed in text only. E.g., if a user entered ''a'' the dropdown should only show entries starting with a. How can I achieve this? Regards, Chris

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 5, 2005 08:36 AM UTC

I think you will have to implement a custom cell control to do this. In the renderer class, you can subscribed to the editpart textchanged event to try to dynamically filter the dropdown at that point. Here is a very rough preliminary try at this. http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/user/uploads/DynamicDropDown_bb0bdced.zip This has lots of problems that you would have to work through. It does not handle backspace keys, deletes, what is suppose to happen when your user enters something not in the droplist, etc. It will take some coding to get this working.

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