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Vertical alignment of image in GridControl cell

Hi all. I am using the GridControl, and I have an image in some cells. (The image is inside an ImageList in the "Standard" baseStylesMap, and I use ImageIndex to set which image from the list I want to display). Problem is, the image always appears vertically in the center of my cell. I have a covered cell that joins column 1 of rows 1 and 2. The image appears in the centre of rows 1 and 2. I have seen some sample code for inside the CellDrawn event where you can create a rectangle for an image and show the image there, which works, but I was wondering if I''ve just missed a simple property that I can set on the cell to do what I want (always display images in the top-left of a cell, covered or not). Thanks, -Stephen Trinder

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 5, 2005 12:24 AM UTC

There are no properties that will give you this behavior. You would have to handle CellDrawn or some other event or create a custom cell type to handle this requirement.

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