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Grid sizing

Hi Is it possible to have scroll bars around the asp.net grid grouping control? I have a grid within a page which is populated dynamically, according to filters set by users, so the number of rows can vary between 10 & c5000. I want to control the space the grid takes up on the page. If scroll bars are not possible, can you suggest anything else bearing in mind my users do not want to click through page after page of data. Thanks Chris

4 Replies

CR Chris Rea July 5, 2005 12:22 PM UTC

Hi I''ve worked through this by using Div tags. Another question. My grid is bound to a data table so the width of the grid is set dynamically through TableLayoutMode.Auto. How can I allow users to resize the actual width of the grid (I can only manage column resizing within the grid so far) like the GridWidthsAndSizing ASP.NET sample? Thanks Chris >Hi > >Is it possible to have scroll bars around the asp.net grid grouping control? > >I have a grid within a page which is populated dynamically, according to filters set by users, so the number of rows can vary between 10 & c5000. I want to control the space the grid takes up on the page. > >If scroll bars are not possible, can you suggest anything else bearing in mind my users do not want to click through page after page of data. > >Thanks > > >Chris

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 5, 2005 02:29 PM UTC

Hi Chris, 1. We are working on adding Scroll Bar support to the Grid. 2. With reference to modifying the width of the Grid, the GridWidthsAndSizing sample shows how the width can be set/modified at run time. Are you seeking the ability to interactively modify the width at run-time? I followed up with the Grid team on this issue and they wanted to know if could you post details/example of this type of interface as it seems non-standard. Regards Arun

CR Chris Rea July 6, 2005 02:18 PM UTC

Hi Arun A copy of my code is attached, albeit that you cannot access the back end dB (the actual data is irrelevant to my question). All I am trying to do is replicate the functionality in the GridWidthsAndSizing sample, where, when the web page is running, you can increase the width of the entire grid by dragging out the width of the Address column. Perhaps its just a property setting that I''ve missed. Thanks for your time. Chris >Hi Chris, > >1. We are working on adding Scroll Bar support to the Grid. > >2. With reference to modifying the width of the Grid, the GridWidthsAndSizing sample shows how the width can be set/modified at run time. Are you seeking the ability to interactively modify the width at run-time? I followed up with the Grid team on this issue and they wanted to know if could you post details/example of this type of interface as it seems non-standard. > >Regards >Arun WebApplication3_9624.zip

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 6, 2005 06:44 PM UTC

Hi Chris Looking at the WebForm2.aspx file, the WIDTH setting in the div tags that you have added seems to be causing this behavior. Can you modify the
tag to: div style="OVERFLOW: auto; HEIGHT: 280px; TEXT-ALIGN: left" Eliminating the width setting allows you to resize the last column. As I mentioned in the earlier posting, we are working on adding ScrollBar support. Regards Arun

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