When using the PrintPreviewDialog to simply preview a grid, the preview is missing gridlines. Interestingly, as the more I zoom in (using the preview control) the better the gridlines render in the preview.
I could not attach a file, so I have emailed support@syncfusion.com
But for other to easily duplicate, create a new project with a windows form and add a grid. Create a button and in the click event insert the following code:
PrintPreviewDialog dlg = new PrintPreviewDialog();
dlg.Document = new GridPrintDocument(this.gridControl1,true);
dlg.WindowState = FormWindowState.Maximized;
Run the project and notice the incomplete gridlines.
Syncfusion Team
June 30, 2005 09:28 PM UTC
When you display the preview at 100%, do all the lines show up then?
I do not think there is anything that can be done about this. If the preview is only, say 300 pixels wide, but the grid at 100% is 800 pixels wide, then you cannot fully show the grid in 300 pixels.
July 1, 2005 12:55 PM UTC
The issue occurs when zooming at 100% and as zoom in, the grid lines start to appear until at 150% they do appear.
I''m not sure I follow because the more I zoom the less pixels are available for the gridlines, but the better the gridlines appear.
Did you get my email with the attached project that demonstrates this issue?
>When you display the preview at 100%, do all the lines show up then?
>I do not think there is anything that can be done about this. If the preview is only, say 300 pixels wide, but the grid at 100% is 800 pixels wide, then you cannot fully show the grid in 300 pixels.
Syncfusion Team
July 1, 2005 01:30 PM UTC
Do the grids print OK?
When you display the preview at 100%, does the grid have the same size grid that is displayed directly to your monitor from the application?
You are not trying to use the PrintToFit technique that we ship as a sample, are you? This will distort the size of the grid and you can lose resolution using that technique.
Syncfusion Team
July 1, 2005 01:40 PM UTC
Something else to try to see if this affects this. Instead of dotted grid lines, try solid lines.
this.Grid.DefaultGridBorderStyle = GridBorderStyle.Solid;