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EndUpdateRequest docu is not proper

The help says: GridModel.EndUpdateRequest Event Occurs when the last EndUpdate was called for the grid model. However, I get this event for each EndUpdate call. No miracle, the GridModel.EndUpdate code is: public virtual void EndUpdate(bool update) { if (!this.inInit && !this.inEndUpdate) { this.OnEndUpdateRequest(new GridEndUpdateRequestEventArgs(update)); if ((this.updateCount > 0) && (--this.updateCount == 0)) { this.updateCommand = ""; } Trace.Unindent(); } }

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 30, 2005 04:43 PM UTC

Hi Gergely, thanks for pointing that out. We will change the documentation. If you need to know the status when EndUpdate is the last one in a sequence of calls you could listen to the UpdatingChanged event of the GridControlBase (or GridControl) that is attached to the model. That will fire when the last EndUpdate was called for the view. Stefan >The help says: >GridModel.EndUpdateRequest Event > >Occurs when the last EndUpdate was called for the grid model. > >However, I get this event for each EndUpdate call. No miracle, the GridModel.EndUpdate code is: >public virtual void EndUpdate(bool update) >{ > if (!this.inInit && !this.inEndUpdate) > { > this.OnEndUpdateRequest(new GridEndUpdateRequestEventArgs(update)); > if ((this.updateCount > 0) && (--this.updateCount == 0)) > { > this.updateCommand = ""; > } > Trace.Unindent(); > } >} >

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