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LinkLabel in Cell in Winforms grid

I''m trying to use an standard Windows LinkLabel in a cell. But I need to click in the cell before the pointer turns into an hand and I can activate the link in the cell (which does not go to an web page). Please see example code: LinkLabel lnkLabel = new LinkLabel(); lnkLabel.Text = "SomeText"; lnkLabel.BackColor = Color.White; lnkLabel.LinkClicked += new LinkLabelLinkClickedEventHandler(lnkLabel_LinkClicked); lnkLabel.Links[0].LinkData = someData; theGrid[x,y].Control = lnkLabel; Any tips on how to solve this? I need to handle the click event in my code since it does not fire of a web page. Regards, Geir

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 28, 2005 08:53 AM UTC

To get the proper mouse interaction with the link cell, I think you will have to use the technique shown in this sample. \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Windows\Grid.Windows\Samples\CellTypes\LinkLabelCells You can copy the LinkLabelCell file to your project and just use teh custom cell type to have support for a link cell. Then if you do not want to lauch teh browser, you can comment out this line: //LaunchBrowser(style); in teh OnMouseUp override in the LinkLabelCellRenderer class. Then you can handle the grid.CellClick event to catch the click and act on it.

NP Narasimha Prasad April 4, 2018 08:28 AM UTC

doing poc

AR Arulpriya Ramalingam Syncfusion Team April 4, 2018 03:57 PM UTC

Hi Narasimha, 
Thanks for the update, please provide the details of your requirement, if you need any technical assistance on this. 

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