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create Excel macros

Hi Syncfusion, will you provide any functionality to add macros? for example the Activeworkbook.vbproject Collection. Thanks in advance. best regards Kai wachter

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 30, 2005 10:24 AM UTC

Hi Kai, After consulting with the development team, I was informed that it would not be possible to implement this feature in ExcelRW due to lack of documentation of the Excel records. Thanks, Stephen. >Hi Syncfusion, >will you provide any functionality to add macros? >for example the Activeworkbook.vbproject Collection. > >Thanks in advance. > >best regards >Kai wachter

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 30, 2005 10:27 AM UTC

Hi Kai, I forgot to mention that ExcelRW will retain all macros when a file is opened and saved using excelrw. So, you can create a macro using MS Excel and then open that file using excelrw and then resave it, excelrw will retain the macro. However, it is not possible to dynamic access to the macros. Please let me know if you need any clarifications. Thanks, Stephen. >Hi Kai, > >After consulting with the development team, I was informed that it would not be possible to implement this feature in ExcelRW due to lack of documentation of the Excel records. > >Thanks, > >Stephen. > >>Hi Syncfusion, >>will you provide any functionality to add macros? >>for example the Activeworkbook.vbproject Collection. >> >>Thanks in advance. >> >>best regards >>Kai wachter

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