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css styles

It appears that you can not use css to style your grid for say a class for row and a class for alternating row. Is this true? Or have I missed something?

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 26, 2005 08:25 PM UTC

Hi Robin, Have you look at the following Knowledgebase articles: How to I set/modify back color of Alternate Records? How can I save/load the look and feel settings of the Grid in Design mode from an XML file? How can I change the Appearance of the Grid during run time?. This sample demonstrates, the techniques mentioned above. Choose either the OrangeBlue or the OrangeGreen skin to see how the colors are set for AlternateRecordFieldCells in the Appearance settings. You can download this sample from here Does this take care of doing what you are seeking? Regards, Arun

RT Robin Tuttle June 27, 2005 06:03 PM UTC

"Does this take care of doing what you are seeking?" Sadly, no. And from what you provided, the grid does NOT support .css files. Our parent company requires us to use their predefined .css files for styling. I doubt very much that we could get them to buy into also using .xml files just for this grid. And I so like what I was seeing in your product. >Hi Robin, > >Have you look at the following Knowledgebase articles: > >How to I set/modify back color of Alternate Records? > >How can I save/load the look and feel settings of the Grid in Design mode from an XML file? > >How can I change the Appearance of the Grid during run time?. > >This sample demonstrates, the techniques mentioned above. Choose either the OrangeBlue or the OrangeGreen skin to see how the colors are set for AlternateRecordFieldCells in the Appearance settings. > >You can download this sample from here > >Does this take care of doing what you are seeking? > >Regards, >Arun >

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 28, 2005 01:01 PM UTC

Robin, You are right, we do not have a easy way to associate an external CSS style with the styles inside the grid. We have some ideas on how to implement this, we will try to get it implemented asap. We will notify you when we do so. Thanks for your interest in our products. Regards, Praveen Ramesh Syncfusion

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