Syncfusion Team
June 24, 2005 08:40 AM UTC
If you do not set ValueMember, then the grid will assume that you are using the actual DataRowView object as the cell value. This means you can get at any of the columns in the DataRowView. Take a look at the \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Windows\Grid.Windows\Samples\CellTypes\ComboboxCells sample. It has examples of using ValueMember as unset.
Syncfusion Team
July 13, 2005 04:29 PM UTC
I''m using GDBC 3.2.1. I checked the example that you quoted. I don''t see any sample out there with valuemeber unset. SO, I tried it my self. Now, When i select an item from the combo box, the selected item is not displayed in the combox and currentcellchanged event is also not trigered. Can you tell how to do this.
>If you do not set ValueMember, then the grid will assume that you are using the actual DataRowView object as the cell value. This means you can get at any of the columns in the DataRowView. Take a look at the \Syncfusion\Essential Studio\\Windows\Grid.Windows\Samples\CellTypes\ComboboxCells sample. It has examples of using ValueMember as unset.
Shankar Ramasubramanian
July 13, 2005 04:48 PM UTC
I''m using GDBC 3.2.1. I checked the example that you quoted. I don''t see any sample out there with valuemeber unset. SO, I tried it my self. Now, When i select an item from the combo box, the selected item is not displayed in the combox and currentcellchanged event is also not trigered. Can you tell how to do this.
Syncfusion Team
July 13, 2005 04:56 PM UTC
Look at grid row 83 in that sample. It should read "ComboBox using Datasource, ValueMember = Empty" and this is a section that has an empty ValueMember. Look in mainform.cs around line 145.
In your case, have you set the DisplayMember on the style? This should pick out what property should be displayed in the cell.
Here is a minimal sample.
Shankar Ramasubramanian
July 13, 2005 05:53 PM UTC
All your examples use grid control. But I''m using Grid Databound grid. Can your try with GDBG.
Syncfusion Team
July 13, 2005 07:07 PM UTC
The same code should work in a GridDataBoundGrid. You just have to make sure the column in your datasource is the type of your object.
Shankar Ramasubramanian
July 13, 2005 08:06 PM UTC
If you look at my sample, the display member disappears.You have to move outof the row.(set enableAddnew = true
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
AddHandler GridDataBoundGrid1.CurrentCellChanged, AddressOf GDBG_CurrentCellChanged
Dim dt As New DataTable
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("OrderID"))
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Order Date"))
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Customer"))
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Currency"))
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Amount"))
Dim dt2 As New DataTable
dt2.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("CurrencyID"))
dt2.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("CurrencyCode"))
Dim row1 As DataRow
row1 = dt2.NewRow
row1("CurrencyID") = "1"
row1("CurrencyCode") = "USD"
row1 = dt2.NewRow
row1("CurrencyID") = "2"
row1("CurrencyCode") = "AUD"
Dim dt1 As New DataTable
dt1.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("CustomerID"))
dt1.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("CustomerName"))
dt1.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("ZipCode"))
Dim row As DataRow
row = dt1.NewRow
row("CustomerId") = "1"
row("CustomerName") = "Customer1"
row("ZipCode") = "10001"
row = dt1.NewRow
row("CustomerId") = "2"
row("CustomerName") = "Customer2"
row("ZipCode") = "10002"
GridDataBoundGrid1.DataSource = dt
Dim style As GridStyleInfo = Me.GridDataBoundGrid1.Binder.InternalColumns("Customer").StyleInfo
style.CellType = "ComboBox"
style.CellValueType = GetType(DataRowView)
style.DataSource = dt1
style.DisplayMember = "CustomerName"
style.DropDownStyle = GridDropDownStyle.Exclusive
Dim style1 As GridStyleInfo = Me.GridDataBoundGrid1.Binder.InternalColumns("Currency").StyleInfo
style1.CellType = "ComboBox"
style1.CellValueType = GetType(System.String)
style1.DataSource = dt2
style1.DisplayMember = "CurrencyCode"
style1.ValueMember = "CurrencyID"
style1.DropDownStyle = GridDropDownStyle.Exclusive
End Sub
Private Sub GDBG_CurrentCellChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If GridDataBoundGrid1.CurrentCell.ColIndex = 3 Then
MsgBox(CType(CType(GridDataBoundGrid1.CurrentCell.Renderer.ControlValue, DataRowView).Item("ZipCode"), String))
End If
End Sub
Syncfusion Team
July 13, 2005 09:21 PM UTC
Here is what is wrong. You have have this set:
dt.Columns.Add(New DataColumn("Customer"))
which means the customer column in your datatable is a string.
But in the grid, you are saying this column is DataRowView. Whatever you have in the DataTable for this column (you say a string) is what must be the value stored in grid. So, you cannot use the DataRowView in this case.
Instead, if your combobox datatable has a primary key, then you can use that as teh ValueMember. Then you can use this primary key to look up teh datarowview when you need to know if base on knowing the value of teh grid cell.
Syncfusion Team
July 13, 2005 09:39 PM UTC
From you post on this thread on 6/24/2005, I understood that if i don''t set the ValueMember, cell value will be datarowview. That''s what i was trying the whole day. But Only way to access the other columns in ComboBox Table is to store primary key as valuemember and filter the table to get other columns.
Is my case, to get the zipCode
1.Set VAlue member as customer ID
2. On CurrentCellChanged get the Value
3. Query the Combobox datatable on the primary key to get other columns
Is that right?
Syncfusion Team
July 13, 2005 10:21 PM UTC
If you do not set the valuemember, the combbobox does return the datarowview as the value. But the grid has to be able to store this value somewhere. In a GridControl, you can handle this. But in a GridDataBoundGrid, the grid column must match the column type in the grid''s datasource. This means your grid''s datatable would have to store the datarowviews from the combobox datatable which is possible, but is not how datatables are normally designed. Normally, only a primary key is stored in teh grid''s datatable.
Yes, what you described is what you would have to do if you do not want to store you combobox datarowviews as values in the grid''s datatable.
Here is a little sample.
Syncfusion Team
July 14, 2005 01:06 PM UTC
Thanks for the prompt responses and excellent support.
Thanks again