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keypress event

hi, i have a grid where i need to do some action when i press ''enter'' in any cell.I can use CurrentCellKeyPress event.but due to some reason, when i press enter, the foccus goes from the current cell to another cell and the CurrentCellKeyPress event is not fired. Is there any other event that i can use ??

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 21, 2005 10:25 AM UTC

If you do not want the Enter key to move the currentcell, you can set: this.gridControl1.EnterKeyBehavior = GridDirectionType.None; To catch the Enter key being pressed, you can use the grid.CurrentCellControlKeyMessage event.
private void grid_CurrentCellControlKeyMessage(object sender, GridCurrentCellControlKeyMessageEventArgs e)
	Keys keyCode = (Keys) ((int)e.Msg.WParam) & Keys.KeyCode;
	if(keyCode == Keys.Enter && e.Msg.Msg == 0x100) //WM_KEYDOWN
		Console.WriteLine("WM_KEYDOWN->" + keyCode.ToString());

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