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How can I set in a easy way all column headers? I would like to do this with an one dimensional array or writing it directly to the cell. I'm working with an virtual grid. The event QueryCellInfo does not fire for row = 0. I know that it works with the PopulateValues function, but for this function I need a 2-dimensional array. Thanks for help in advance Barbara

6 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 27, 2003 03:32 PM UTC

Row 0 is a row just like any other row in the grid. Only difference is it contains cells of type CellType = "Header". So, QueryCellInfo will also fire for row 0. Just check for e.RowIndex == 0. Stefan

BA Barbara Arz February 28, 2003 04:45 AM UTC

Yes it works. Sorry, for making an effort, it was my fault. Barbara

BA Barbara Arz February 28, 2003 07:02 AM UTC

No, sorry it doesn't work proper: this.gridControl1[0,1].CellValue = "hh";-> works void GridQueryCellInfo(....) if (e.RowIndex == 0) { e.Style.CellValue ="gfgefe"; }

BA Barbara Arz February 28, 2003 07:03 AM UTC

No, sorry it doesn't work proper: this.gridControl1[0,1].CellValue = "hh";-> works void GridQueryCellInfo(....) if (e.RowIndex == 0) { e.Style.CellValue ="gfgefe"; } What's wrong? Best regards Barbara

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 28, 2003 09:06 AM UTC

In your QCI, when you set the cellvalue, also try setting e.Handled = true; to see that resolves this problem.

BA Barbara Arz February 28, 2003 09:14 AM UTC

well, now I installed the latest patch and it works much more better! Barbara

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