Hi Vijay,
Sorry for the delay in getting back to you.
I am afraid, the current version of Essential PDF does not have support for embedding Metafiles. The current metafiles support is limited to extracting text in metafiles and rendering it in PDF, but the remaining portion is just converted to a bitmap image and inserted into the PDF document. However, we are working on adding support to insert vector graphic images and it will be available in the next release [3 weeks time].
Thank you for your patience.
Best regards,
>Oh I forgot to add. This code saves the PDF if I use the bit map instead of the metafile. But the BMP resolution is very poor.
>>I need help! I am trying to open a meta file and insert it into a PDF file. I am using VC++ to do it. Problem is, it crashes on calling
>>"pPDF->LastPage->Graphics->DrawImage". I am attaching the source and the sample emf file.
>>Can you please help me out?