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XPmenus designer problem

I have XPmenus on a base form. When I try to open any inherited form in the designer, I get the following error messsage: "BarManager Designer Information: The Bar has been deleted from the BarManager. Undoing this Delete will not restore the Bar. However closing the designer and the source file without saving the changes will restore the original settings." The project compile fine, and the menus work runtime, but I am not able to view any inherited forms in the designer any longer. I belive something must have been corrupted in the designer generated code on the base form, but can not figure out what. Any idea that can set me on the rigth track to solve the problem is very wellcome!

5 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 16, 2005 05:08 PM UTC

P.S: I am able to view the base form in the designer, and the menus look fine there, but the designer can not open the derived forms. (I also tried to make a new very simple derived form without success, so I know the error must be on the base form.)

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 16, 2005 10:38 PM UTC

Hi Kjetil, What version are you using? Regards, Gregory Austin Syncfusion Inc.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 17, 2005 06:50 AM UTC

Hi Gregory I''m using version

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 17, 2005 08:10 AM UTC

I found the problem. Turns out it is not due to the XPmenus at all. When the VS2003 designer opens an inherited form it will execute the Form.Load event on the base form. In my case the Form.Load handler acessed a static variable. This variable would always be initialized when the form opens at run time, but not when the form is opened in the designer... This made the designer unable to display the form, and caused me a lot of grief until I understood that the Form.Load handler was actually executed in the designer. After that it was easy to track down. (Why I got the error message from XPmenus, I still don''t really understand, but once I removed the access to the uninitialized variable, the error message is also gone.) Sorry to have troubled you with this.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 17, 2005 10:55 PM UTC

Hi Kjetil, I didn''t know that either. Thanks for the information. Regards, Gregory Austin Syncfusion Inc.

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