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Printing issue Resolved ?

I see that the print issue has been resolved according to Feature Request #10 of the Feature request section. If I have downloaded the latest version og the control how do we use it ? Thanks a bunch.

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 11, 2005 05:22 AM UTC

Hi, Please refer to the sample linked to below for an example of printing using the HTMLUIControl: http://www.syncfusion.com/support/user/uploads/htmluiprinting_cs.zip Regards, Davis

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 15, 2005 09:14 PM UTC

Is it possible to print one page at a time. For example, printing the HTML to a graphics object. If I need to print text to a page, I would write something like this: private void PrtDoc_PrintPage(object sender, PrintPageEventArgs e) { string s = "Testing...1...2...3." ; Font PrintFont = new System.Drawing.Font( "Courier New" , 9.75f ) ; e.Graphics.DrawString( s , PrintFont , Brushes.Black , 0, 0 ) ; } Is there a way to print the HTML to a graphics object so that it may be part of a larger batch job? Thanks, Bryant

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team July 19, 2005 05:07 PM UTC

Hi Bryant, Please refer to the sample linked to below: http://www.syncfusion.com/support/user/Uploads/HTMLUIExportPDF_1557.zip The above sample exports the HTML document to a series of images. Is this what you are looking for? Note: The assemblies included with the sample have to be used to run the sample as they contain some new features. Thanks, Davis

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