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SetControlSize problem?

I have enabled a panel to be controlled by the docking manager and I programatically add and remove controls from the panel. I have tried using the SetControlSize with no success. I was wondering if there are more steps required than just calling SetControlSize or are their any examples showing the use of SetControlSize.

6 Replies

PS Prakash S Syncfusion Team February 25, 2003 08:19 PM UTC

Hi Euticio, There was a problem related to changing the height of a floating control using the DockingManager.SetControlSize() method. This has been fixed and the forthcoming release of Essential Tools will include the fix. For other cases however, SetControlSize() should work fine without any problems. Usage is fairly straightforward, and the 'allowed' control bounds will be modified as specified in the call. By 'allowed' I am referring to the docked control's dimensions that may be interactively changed by dragging an adjacent splitter. If you are encountering problems, please attach a sample that shows the specific condition and we will take a look at it. Prakash Syncfusion

EM Euticio Montelongo March 7, 2003 12:48 PM UTC

I've installed the lastest service pack and that did fix the problem. Thx

IP Ivan Pelly April 4, 2003 03:17 PM UTC

We're using v, and calling SetControlSize - the size very briefly changes, then jumps back to it's previous size. Is this still a bug? Thanks

IP Ivan Pelly April 4, 2003 03:22 PM UTC

P.S. We're calling this from the DragSplitterDoubleClick event of the MouseMessageFilter, as recommended elsewhere in the forum. If we call the code from a button, it works. Thanks.

IP Ivan Pelly April 15, 2003 12:14 PM UTC

Any ideas on this one? Thanks again.

PS Prakash S Syncfusion Team April 22, 2003 06:10 AM UTC

Hi Ivan, We were able to reproduce the condition that you have described. This is because the DockingManager.SetControlSize(Control, Size) method works by manipulation of the splitter positions, and invoking the method from an interception of the WM_LBUTTONDBLCLK message on a splitter, results in the splitter resuming it's pre-SetControlSize() state if the splitter being clicked was the one changed by the method. Unfortunately, this is a limitation imposed by the design, and we are unable to provide you with a workaround. A report has been logged, and we will look into addressing this issue for a future release of Essential Tools. For the time being, I'd recommend that you not call SetControlSize from the within the double-click message, and move the invocation to some other place. My apologies for the inconvenience. Prakash Syncfusion, Inc.

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