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gridGroupingControl question

I am new to gridGroupingControl. I have a data table which binds to my gridGroupingControl. My table has 3 rows that are named "Computers", "Results" and "Run Action". My purpose is very simple, just group the "Computers" column and display the plus/minus sign so that the rows that have same computer name can be grouped and expanded. Somehow I could not display the plus/minus sign. Can you tell me what shall I do? Is there any tutorials for the gridGroupingControl starters? My code is as follows: this.gridGroupingControl1.DataSource = resultTable; gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.GroupedColumns.Add("Computers"); gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.GroupedColumns.Add("Computers"); gridGroupingControl1.TopLevelGroupOptions.ShowCaptionPlusMinus = true; gridGroupingControl1.TopLevelGroupOptions.ShowCaption = false; gridGroupingControl1.TopLevelGroupOptions.ShowColumnHeaders = true; gridGroupingControl1.TopLevelGroupOptions.ShowSummaries = true; gridGroupingControl1.ChildGroupOptions.ShowCaptionPlusMinus = true; gridGroupingControl1.ChildGroupOptions.ShowCaption = false; gridGroupingControl1.ChildGroupOptions.ShowColumnHeaders = false; gridGroupingControl1.ChildGroupOptions.ShowSummaries = true;

4 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 3, 2005 12:06 AM UTC

I think the main problem with teh code you showed are the 2 lines that have ShowCaption = false; This is hiding teh caption row, and this necessarily hides teh plus/minus that is part of teh caption row. The default settings will give most of what you described, so I think you can get what you wanted just setting these properties. gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.GroupedColumns.Add("Computers"); gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.AllowNew = false; //this.gridGroupingControl1.Table.ExpandAllGroups();

ME Mechelle June 3, 2005 04:43 PM UTC

Thanks for the reply. I did what you said. But only the top +/- sign is displayed, not the subgroup''s. I am attaching the screen shot, hopefully you understand what I am talking about. Ggd_6253.zip

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 3, 2005 05:07 PM UTC

Did you remove the code where you were setting the ChildGroupOptions? In the code you originally listed, only have top datasource setting line, and the 2 lines I showed above.

ME Mechelle June 3, 2005 08:10 PM UTC

No, I didn''t remove the part of code about ChildGroupOptions. Actrually in the form design view, I changed gridGroupingControl1 to default setting. And following is mt code: gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.GroupedColumns.Add("Computers"); gridGroupingControl1.TableDescriptor.AllowNew = false; gridGroupingControl1.TopLevelGroupOptions.ShowCaptionPlusMinus = true; gridGroupingControl1.TopLevelGroupOptions.CaptionText = ""; gridGroupingControl1.TopLevelGroupOptions.ShowCaption = true; gridGroupingControl1.TopLevelGroupOptions.ShowColumnHeaders = true; gridGroupingControl1.ChildGroupOptions.ShowCaptionPlusMinus = true; gridGroupingControl1.ChildGroupOptions.CaptionText = ""; gridGroupingControl1.ChildGroupOptions.ShowCaption = true; gridGroupingControl1.ChildGroupOptions.ShowColumnHeaders = false;

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