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Multiple Excel Files

I just downloaded the evaluation version and I have a quick question before I get too far into the evaluation. Here is the situation: I have two excel files, file1.xls and file2.xls. file1.xls contains many references to cells in file2.xls. Is there a way to read in both excel files and then use the EssentialCalculate product to actually do the calculation correctly so that I can change a value in the second spreadsheet and have it correctly update in the first spreadsheet?

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 13, 2005 10:20 PM UTC

Hi Tim, Please find a sample that uses ExcelRW and Calculate to resolve a reference between 2 excel files linked to below: http://www.syncfusion.com/support/user/uploads/cs_usingformulasacrossworksheets.zip The method of resolving the reference is very minimal and hardcoded at present because the reference appears as an invalid refernce when ExcelRW loads the file. I will submit feature requests for solving this problem and also building in the ability to recursively resolve foreign references into the ExcelRW library itself. Thank you for your patience. Regards, Davis

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