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Unable to grant a runtime license

Hi, i''ve created a dll component with pdf syncfusion and i want to use it on a web site to generate pdf document. But when i create the object on my page, i''ve the messagebox "unable to grant a runtime license". How can i create a licx file for my dll component to use it on a web site? I''ve founded many example for exe program but not for dll. Thanks.

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 26, 2005 02:50 AM UTC

Hi Xavier, The licensing is the same for exe''s and dll''s. You can just include this file and set it as an embedded resource in your class library Licenses.licx Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks, Stephen. >Hi, i''ve created a dll component with pdf syncfusion and i want to use it on a web site to generate pdf document. But when i create the object on my page, i''ve the messagebox "unable to grant a runtime license". How can i create a licx file for my dll component to use it on a web site? > >I''ve founded many example for exe program but not for dll. > >Thanks.

XA Xavier May 26, 2005 08:05 AM UTC

Thank you Stephen, How can i include this file? I must add it to my .Net class project with the other cs files? And how i set it as an ambedded ressource in my class library. Thanks and sorry, it''s my first use of syncfusion. >Hi Xavier, > >The licensing is the same for exe''s and dll''s. You can just include this file and set it as an embedded resource in your class library > >Licenses.licx > >Please let me know if you have any questions. > >Thanks, > >Stephen. > >>Hi, i''ve created a dll component with pdf syncfusion and i want to use it on a web site to generate pdf document. But when i create the object on my page, i''ve the messagebox "unable to grant a runtime license". How can i create a licx file for my dll component to use it on a web site? >> >>I''ve founded many example for exe program but not for dll. >> >>Thanks.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team June 13, 2005 10:53 PM UTC

Hi Xavier, Yes, you just add the licenses.lcx file to your project as you would add any CS file. Then click on file and view the properties window (hit F4 if you don''t see the properties window). Now set the BuildAction for the licenses.licx file to be Embedded Resource. Thanks, Davis

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