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I noticed that when a cell in the griddataboundgrid is in edit mode (i.e. the black outline around the cell and the insertion point somewhere in the text in the cell) the mouseup event no longer fires. Is there 1) an alternate way to trap for a rightclick or 2) an alternate way to be able to selected text in the cell (I want to be able to select/copy - I don't care about editing) so that the mouseup still fires? Thanks!

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 19, 2003 08:11 PM UTC

You could make the cell type static if you don't need editing. Other than this if you need to handle mouse clicks for an active textbox, you could listen to mouse events of the textbox renderer. The CellRenderer has a Example: GridTextBoxCellRenderer tb = (GridTextBoxCellRenderer) grid.CellRenderers["TextBox"]; tb.TextBox.MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(MyMouseUpHandler); Stefan

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