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Docking control''s height

Hi, Even if I am specifying the width but my docking control doesn’t show. I only see the title bar and “pin. I am using following code this.dockingManager.DockControl(this.pnlOuSelection, this, DockingStyle.Top, 400); // Set the text to be displayed in the docking window caption. this.dockingManager.SetDockLabel(this.pnlOuSelection, "Create Plan Builder Quarters"); Any reason why it could be?

11 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 13, 2005 05:40 PM UTC

Any Help?

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 13, 2005 06:06 PM UTC

Hi VS, I am unable to reproduce this problem. I created a sample that includes a DockingManager and a Panel, then programatically set the panel to dock the same way you did. I saw both the title bar and the control. Do you have a sample that demonstrates this problem? Regards, Gregory Austin Syncfusion Inc.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 14, 2005 12:39 AM UTC

Thanks, I don''t think that i can put my code here. if i increase the height manually by draging the control title bar i see the control. so control is there but its not visible. please help, thanks

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 16, 2005 04:21 PM UTC

Hi, I know where exactly the error is in code but don’t know the REASON of the error. If I move the code between “Start” and “END” from position B to A then it doesn’t work. private void InitializeDockingWindows() { // Create the DockingManager instance and set this form as the host form. this.dockingManager = new Syncfusion.Windows.Forms.Tools.DockingManager(this.components); this.dockingManager.BeginInit(); this.dockingManager.HostForm = this; // Disable state persistence. this.dockingManager.PersistState = false; // Enable display of the default context menus. this.dockingManager.EnableContextMenu = true; //------ Search------- this.dockingManager.DockControl(this.pnlSearch, this, DockingStyle.Top, 300); // Set the text to be displayed in the docking window caption. this.dockingManager.SetDockLabel(this.pnlSearch, "Search/List"); // ------- POSITION A ------------------------------ //------ Flow Chart------- this.dockingManager.DockControl(this.pnlFlowChartSelection, this, DockingStyle.Top, 420); // Set the text to be displayed in the docking window caption. this.dockingManager.SetDockLabel(this.pnlFlowChartSelection, "Create Flow Chart"); //------ Brand Allocation------- this.dockingManager.DockControl(this.pnlBrandAllocationSelection, this, DockingStyle.Top, 270); // Set the text to be displayed in the docking window caption. this.dockingManager.SetDockLabel(this.pnlBrandAllocationSelection, "Create Brand Allocation"); //------ Summary------- this.dockingManager.DockControl(this.pnlSummary, this, DockingStyle.Right, 460); // Set the text to be displayed in the docking window caption. this.dockingManager.SetDockLabel(this.pnlSummary, "Detail Summary"); //------ Deatiled Navigation ------- this.dockingManager.DockControl(this.pnlDetailedNavigation, this, DockingStyle.Right, 300); // Set the text to be displayed in the docking window caption. this.dockingManager.SetDockLabel(this.pnlDetailedNavigation, "Detail Navigation"); // ------- POSITION B ------------------------------ // ----------------------- START --------------- //------ OU Plan Selection------- this.dockingManager.DockControl(this.pnlOuSelection,this, DockingStyle.Top, 200); // Set the text to be displayed in the docking window caption. this.dockingManager.SetDockLabel(this.pnlOuSelection, "Create Plan Quarters"); // ----------------------- END --------------- this.dockingManager.AutoHideEnabled = true; this.dockingManager.SetAutoHideMode(this.pnlSearch,true); this.dockingManager.SetAutoHideMode(this.pnlOuSelection,true); this.dockingManager.SetAutoHideMode(this.pnlFlowChartSelection,true); this.dockingManager.SetAutoHideMode(this.pnlBrandAllocationSelection,true); this.dockingManager.SetAutoHideMode(this.pnlSummary,true); this.dockingManager.SetAutoHideMode(this.pnlDetailedNavigation,true); this.dockingManager.SetDockVisibility(this.pnlOuSelection,false); this.dockingManager.SetDockVisibility(this.pnlFlowChartSelection, false); this.dockingManager.SetDockVisibility(this.pnlBrandAllocationSelection, false); this.dockingManager.SetDockVisibility(this.pnlSummary,false); this.dockingManager.SetDockVisibility(this.pnlDetailedNavigation, false); this.dockingManager.EndInit(); } Any pointer would be great! thanks,

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 16, 2005 10:54 PM UTC

I would appreciate if someone can explain this to me. thanks,

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 17, 2005 05:35 PM UTC

Hi VS, What''s the vertical size of your form? I suspect that you might be setting the size of the controls to be too large, such that they''re not leaving room for all the other controls. Regards, Gregory Austin Syncfusion Inc.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 17, 2005 06:50 PM UTC

My dock control is a panel and its height is less than 200. My actual form has height of 800. If you noticed, there are other dock controls with height of 420,460 are working fine. For this control I am just trying to set the dock height of 200. I don''t know what is going on. thanks,

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 17, 2005 09:06 PM UTC

Hi VS, 420 + 460 + 200 = 1080 I apologize for not being clear in my last post, but I believe that the problem is that the total height of all your docked controls exceeds the total height of your Form. This results in the one control being docked "off" the Form. Moving the code fixes your problem because docking the small control first causes it to be pushed off the Form, while it isn''t large enough to push another control off the Form when docked last. Regards, Gregory Austin Syncfusion Inc. >My dock control is a panel and its height is less than 200. > >My actual form has height of 800. > >If you noticed, there are other dock controls with height of 420,460 are working fine. > >For this control I am just trying to set the dock height of 200. > >I don''t know what is going on. > > >thanks, >

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 18, 2005 12:05 AM UTC

Hi Gregory, I understand that my code is working but since I am planning to use docking a lot. I would like to get more understanding of this. I am now totally confused. What if I have, let’s say 10-15 controls and each is 400-500 in height. Am I going to have same problem with some of my control? Why do we need to sum up the height? Especially when they are in AutoHideMode? Should I always dock the smaller control last? What are the constraints about docking of a control? I am really confused, Thanks, VivekS

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 18, 2005 03:29 PM UTC

Hi VS, I believe the problem is that you''re waiting to set autohide for your controls until after they''ve all been docked. Since all your controls are visible on your form at once, the DockingManager is forced to resize them to fit. These new sizes are then kept when autohide is set. To avoid this you should set autohide on each control immediately after docking it. This will prevent the Form from filling up, and your controls form being compressed. Regards, Gregory Austin Syncfusion Inc. >Hi Gregory, > >I understand that my code is working but since I am planning to use docking a lot. I would like to get more understanding of this. > >I am now totally confused. What if I have, let’s say 10-15 controls and each is 400-500 in height. Am I going to have same problem with some of my control? > >Why do we need to sum up the height? Especially when they are in AutoHideMode? > >Should I always dock the smaller control last? > >What are the constraints about docking of a control? > >I am really confused, > > >Thanks, >VivekS >

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 18, 2005 03:49 PM UTC

ohh. Now i get it. Thanks Gregory. I really appreciate your help. VS

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