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a bug?

Hi, I have an implementation of IBindingList containing instances of a class implementing IEditableObject. I am binding the list to a GDBG - so far so good. The problem is that when I throw an exception in BeginEdit() of the IEditableObject implementor (apparently the only way to say that the object cannot be edited right now :( ), GDBG swallows the exception and continues with the editing. Is that a bug, or is that the 'approved' correct behavior? Thanx, Lyubomir

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 18, 2003 01:15 PM UTC

It is the way things are currently designed that the grid catches a lot of exceptions. But we will change this in the 2.0 version so that you have control over the exceptions that are thrown. Something like a global exception handler where you can then decide if you want specific exceptions to fall through or let the grid catch and eat the exception. Stefan

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