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Docking Windows and Threading in 3.2

Hi, I''ve got a control which I add as a docking window. In my main forms Activated Event, I make a call to the control, which then runs off to make an Async call to fill in the control. Prior to moving to the new Syncfusion 3.2 Suite, it worked fine, but now I always get a "Cannot call Invoke or InvokeAsync on a control until the window handle has been created" exception. Presumably, one of the changes in the docking windows was changing/delaying how the docking windows are created, and as a result the docking window hasn''t created the window handle by the time the Activated event occurs. Is there any methods to force/test whether the docking window has been completely created? Thanks, Sue

1 Reply

SH Sue Harris April 28, 2005 05:51 AM UTC

Found that calling the CreateControl method fixes it. Thanks

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