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Formula cell not updating

In the sample i''ve attached, the first col you can enter data and the other 3 grayed out cols you cant beacause those update based on the data in col1. if you change like 3 cells in col 1 and make them all 50. swipe all 3 in a range and do a ctrl-c. then click somewhere below it and do a ctrl-v. notice pastes in 3 cells of 50 and updates col 2,3,4. we are also trying to do copy one to many on this form. so if u close the app and start over. change one cell to 50. do a ctrl-c on it and then click the select a range of like 3 cells in col 1 to do a ctrl-v on. notice it pastes in the 3 50''s but it doesnt update the formula cell in col 2,3,4. Is this because copy and paste does it one at a time and im trying to dump it all at once? If so i would of thought the refresh of the grid i do would solve that problem. Any ideas. I have a work around for it by not using the data value in the paste function and instead using the grdname.cellvalue and then it works. The only problem with this is on some other forms that are a lot bigger its really slowing usint the .cellvalue vs the data method of loading. I will email the sample also. Thanks

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 21, 2005 09:42 PM UTC

This behavior is expected. Directly updating the GridData object bypasses the events that the GridFormulaEngine listens to to handle updating the formulas depending upon the changed cells. You could call RecalculateRange after your loop to tell the grid to recompute the formulas. Dim engine As GridFormulaEngine = CType(Me.grdCB_CCpSI.CellModels("FormulaCell"), GridFormulaCellModel).Engine engine.RecalculateRange(GridRangeInfo.Table()) But unless you can somehow reduce size of the range you pass in (maybe because you know exactly where the affected formulas will be and only pass in that range), then just updating data using the indexers so the events are raised so the formulaengine can do the updating for you may be more efficient.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 22, 2005 01:04 PM UTC

Thats the exact code we came up with that you gave me. We just wanted to make sure it was suppose to work like that. Thanks for the help

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