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Tab key problem

Hi, Does somebody has any news about the tab key problem? Where does it comes from and how to solve it? It drives me (and my fellows as well) crazy!!! Regards Holger Persch

8 Replies

HP Holger Persch April 21, 2005 02:04 PM UTC

I found an answer here: Defect #187 - Disabled Tab key in VS.NET code editor When can we expect the final release of version 3.2? Regards Holger Persch

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 22, 2005 08:31 PM UTC

Holger, Sorry for these repeated delays with 3.2.1. We now have those licensing code changes in place we discussed in earlier threads in this forum (no more calls to unmanaged dlls) and everything looks much more stable now (also with VS 2005). We need a couple more days of testing and are targeting middle next week for final release. Stefan >I found an answer here: Defect #187 - Disabled Tab key in VS.NET code editor > >When can we expect the final release of version 3.2? > >Regards >Holger Persch

HP Holger Persch April 28, 2005 12:37 PM UTC

After installation of version I unfortunately experienced that the "tab key" problem still exists. Regards, Holger Persch

HP Holger Persch April 28, 2005 02:09 PM UTC

An addition to my previous post: I recognized that the "Assembly Manager" tool had not cleaned the GAC, so there still had been version assemblies in the GAC. Maybe that''s the reason for the tab key problem. I will have to check this. I also recognized that the "Assembly Manager" tool (if I run a "User Debug" build) doesn''t copys the Essential PDF assemblies (Base, Windows and Web) into the "Assembly" directory and the GAC. This seems to be a bug. Regards Holger Persch

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 28, 2005 02:28 PM UTC

Hi Holger, Thanks for the update. I have tested the fixes for defect 187 in VS.NET 2002/2003, and confirm that they are fixed. Possibly the presence of v3.2.0.0 references in the GAC is causing this problem. Please try the following : 1. Manually delete all the Syncfusion references in the GAC. 2. Run the v3.2.1.0 Assembly Manager to switch to v3.2.1.0 default pre-built assemblies. Now test your application and let me know how it goes. Also, note that all previous builds of v3.2.1.0 on your machine must be uninstalled before installing the release version. Thanks for your interest in Syncfusion products. Regards, Guru Patwal Syncfusion, Inc.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 28, 2005 03:08 PM UTC

Hi Holger, I am afraid, i am not able to see the problem with PDF assemblies not getting copied over to the GAC. I tested by completely deleting all syncfusion assemblies in the GAC and then ran the assembly manager in User Debug mode. The assembly manager added all PDF assemblies to the GAC correctly. Could you please clarify the following issues 1) Is this the latest version from Direc-Trac? 2) Which framework''s do you have installed on your machine. Thanks, Stephen. >An addition to my previous post: > >I recognized that the "Assembly Manager" tool had not cleaned the GAC, so there still had been version assemblies in the GAC. Maybe that''s the reason for the tab key problem. I will have to check this. > >I also recognized that the "Assembly Manager" tool (if I run a "User Debug" build) doesn''t copys the Essential PDF assemblies (Base, Windows and Web) into the "Assembly" directory and the GAC. This seems to be a bug. > >Regards >Holger Persch

HP Holger Persch April 29, 2005 11:47 AM UTC

Hi Guru, After cleaning the GAC manually and running Assembly Manager again, now GAC contains the correct assemblies. Until now the "Tab Key" problem never appeared again. Seems to be solved now. :-) He Stephen, >1) Is this the latest version from Direc-Trac? Yes, it is the latest version from Direct-Trac (downloaded yesterday) >2) Which framework''''s do you have installed on your machine. Framwork version 1.1 SP1 I recognized the wrong assemblies because the prebuilt assemblies were dated to 04/26/2005 and the "User Debug" assemblies (built yesterday) were dated to 04/28/2005. The GAC contained PDF assemblies dated to 04/26/2005 even though the the "bin\debug" directory contained assemblies dated to 04/28/2005. Regards, Holger

JP Juha Perälä May 9, 2005 08:24 AM UTC

>After cleaning the GAC manually and running >Assembly Manager again, now GAC contains the >correct assemblies. >Until now the "Tab Key" problem never appeared >again. Seems to be solved now. :-) We are using visual studio with sourcegear vault version control system, and we still have problems with tab key, so this seems not to be solved yet! I have also cleaned gac, and rerun assembly manager, but this won''t fix this issue. Problem is same with and

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