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Drag & Drop new column

When you drag and drop column in the grid, there is an icon in the form of a black ‘I’ that appear to tell you where you can drop the dragged column. In my application, I have a tree view where the user can drag and drop node from the tree view into the grid to insert column dynamically. What I want is to have the black ‘I’ icon to appear to tell the user where he can insert the new column he wants to create. Is there a way to do this?

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 20, 2005 07:18 PM UTC

There are no property setting to do this. you would have to write code. Here is a link to a sample that shows how you can do this with respect to dragging columns by just mousing down and moving a column immediately instead of clicking it first to select it, and then mousing down and dragging it. It has the code showing how to get the drop feedback. http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/user/uploads/forum_DragColumn_502d7d6c.zip You would have to modify this to fit into your OLE D&D drop from the treeview.

SS Stephane SansCartier April 20, 2005 08:04 PM UTC

It''s working perfectly, thank !

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