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Problem with Covered cells in Virtual Grid

Sorry to repost this so soon, but I''m under a tight deadline and I could really use some help on this. I have a virtual grid. I have some covered cells. For example, let''''s say I have 2 rows of Column Headers. I have a covered range in the second column that covers the cells in the 1st and 2nd row of that column. I want to put text in only in the second row of that covered range, but I get QueryCellInfo for row 1, col 1, but not row 2, col 1. So how do I set a value in row 2, col 1? Thanks. Pete

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 19, 2005 10:03 PM UTC

A covered cell''s style is determined by the top-left cell in the range no matter whether the covered cell is 2 cells or 50 cells. The style of the whole range is determined by the style of the top-left cell. So, in your setup, you should set the text you want to see when QueryCellInfo passes in the top-left cell. You can set the e.Style.VerticalAlignment to Bottom to have that text displayed at the bottom of the covered cell.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 20, 2005 12:26 PM UTC

Thanks Clay. I had already tried that and it didn''t work, but you saying to do that way made me look into it a bit more until I realized the reason the VerticalAlignment wasn''t working was because the cell was one of our custom text cell types that completely ignored the VerticalAlignment property. Anyway, I added that and it works like a charm. Thanks again.

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