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GDBG selection

Hi,, I am using following code to find the selected rows, Then I am deleting those rows from grid (basically deleting from table) this.gdbgSelectedCompany.BeginUpdate(); DataRow selectedRow; DataTable selectedSource = ((DataView)this.gdbgSelectedCompany.DataSource).Table; System.Collections.ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); //GridRangeInfoList rangeList = this.gdbgSelectedCompany.Selections.GetSelectedRows(false, true); GridRangeInfoList rangeList = this.gdbgSelectedCompany.Selections.GetSelectedRows(true, true); foreach(GridRangeInfo range in rangeList) { for (int row=range.Top; row <= range.Bottom;row++) { selectedRow = selectedSource.Rows[row -1]; al.Add(selectedRow); } } for (int i=0; i 0 private int GDBGSelectedRowsCount() { int rowCount=0; GridRangeInfoList rangeList = // this.gdbgSelectedCompany.Selections.GetSelectedRows(false, true); this.gdbgSelectedCompany.Selections.GetSelectedRows(true, true); foreach(GridRangeInfo range in rangeList) { rowCount = rowCount +( range.Bottom - range.Top + 1); } return rowCount; } test_6326.zip

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 15, 2005 11:45 PM UTC

Rty using gridDataBoundGrid1.Selections.GetSelectedRows(true,false) so the currentcell is not always counted.

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