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Hello, I am trying to extend the MonthCalendarExt control by deriving from it and make a certain date to be bold with color. What I did is I override the OnDateCellQueryInfo method. The Color shows up fine, but any changes to the e.Style.Font object didn''t apply. The code is more or less like below. protected override bool OnDateCellQueryInfo(DateCellQueryInfoEventArgs e) { if (e.DateValue != null && !e.IsOutsideRange) { if (((DateTime)e.DateValue).Day > 27) { e.Style.TextColor = Color.Green; e.Style.Font.Bold = true; } } return true; } Is there any extra steps that I need to do? Thanks.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 15, 2005 10:45 PM UTC

Hi Kay, Unfortunately, we''re unable to support MonthCalendarExt as it''s obsolete and has been replaced with MonthCalendarAdv. I''ve checked tested code in our latest version (3.2) and both the colors and the Bold style seem to be working in MonthCalendarAdv. I would recommend upgrading once our final release of v3.2 is released. Regards, Gregory Austin Syncfusion Inc.

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