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Height of XPToolBar

Hello! See attached project. If you press "Hide" button - size of xpToolBar remain unchanged. Only after resizing form it collapses from two rows to one. Best regards. XPToolBarTest2_555.zip

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 15, 2005 05:09 PM UTC

Hi Andrei, The problem is that the Layout event only fires when the XPToolBar is resized, and not when BarItems are hidden or shown. This happens because BarItems are not actually controls, so the requirements for Control.Layout firing are not met. You can workaround this by adding this.xpToolBar1.Size = this.xpToolBar1.PreferredSize wherever you set the visibility of BarItems rather than doing it in the Layout event handler. However, I see that the Layout event firing whenever a BarItem is shown or hidden is a reasonable expectation. Therefore, I have entered it as Feature Request #152. Regards, Gregory Austin Syncfusion Inc.

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