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Printing Grouping Grid

Not sure what I am doing wrong, but when I print my grouping grid, I get a the correct number of rows and columns, but the actual data is missing. So, I get a blank report! PrintPreview shows the data in correct format. Even hitting the print button from printpreview dialog prints out the same blank grid. This is my printing code GridPrintDocument pd = new GridPrintDocument(groupingGrid.TableControl); PrintDialog printDialog = new PrintDialog(); printDialog.Document = pd; pd.DefaultPageSettings.Landscape = true; printDialog.ShowDialog();

3 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 14, 2005 07:19 PM UTC

Hi Faraz, Does this happen with a specific printer or also with other printers? What printer do you have? When you print something from Visual Studio does that work correct (a page with formatted code ... - I am asking because we have such a problem here with a Brother printer where we are not able to print from Visual Studio, just in case that is related). Stefan

FH Faraz Haque April 18, 2005 02:48 PM UTC

Well, its weird but if I have captionarea set to true on a grouping grid, the grid doesnt print. Once i say grid.showcaption = false, it prints fine. >Hi Faraz, > >Does this happen with a specific printer or also with other printers? What printer do you have? > >When you print something from Visual Studio does that work correct (a page with formatted code ... - I am asking because we have such a problem here with a Brother printer where we are not able to print from Visual Studio, just in case that is related). > >Stefan >

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 18, 2005 07:52 PM UTC

Thanks for the details. I''ll look into it what might be causing this. Stefan >Well, its weird but if I have captionarea set to true on a grouping grid, the grid doesnt print. Once i say grid.showcaption = false, it prints fine. > > >>Hi Faraz, >> >>Does this happen with a specific printer or also with other printers? What printer do you have? >> >>When you print something from Visual Studio does that work correct (a page with formatted code ... - I am asking because we have such a problem here with a Brother printer where we are not able to print from Visual Studio, just in case that is related). >> >>Stefan >>

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