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A user performs the following actions: 1- Selects the first or second column in a summary row in a grid (via mouse-click, making it the current cell in the grid). 2- Scrolls the grid horizontally to about the grid''s midpoint (width). 3- Expands the summary row by clicking on the ''+'' sign which is a frozen column(hence always visible). The grid then ignores the user''s scrolled position and returns to the selected row (undoing the user''s scrolling). What I''d like to do is move the current cell to the the column the user scrolled to (while staying in the same row) when the user clicks a summary row for expansion. thanks.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 4, 2005 09:47 PM UTC

Anthony, The following code should do it: this.groupingGrid1.TableControlCellButtonClicked += new GridTableControlCellButtonClickedEventHandler(groupingGrid1_TableControlCellButtonClicked); private void groupingGrid1_TableControlCellButtonClicked(object sender, GridTableControlCellButtonClickedEventArgs e) { GridTableCellStyleInfo style = (GridTableCellStyleInfo) e.TableControl.Model[e.Inner.RowIndex, e.Inner.ColIndex]; if (style.TableCellIdentity.TableCellType == GridTableCellType.GroupCaptionPlusMinusCell) { if (!style.TableCellIdentity.DisplayElement.ParentGroup.IsExpanded) { GridTableControl tc = this.groupingGrid1.TableControl; int leftColIndex = tc.LeftColIndex; bool isFullyVisible = tc.GetCurrentHScrollPixelDelta() == 0; if (!isFullyVisible) leftColIndex++; if (leftColIndex > tc.CurrentCell.ColIndex) { tc.CurrentCell.MoveTo(tc.CurrentCell.RowIndex, leftColIndex); style.TableCellIdentity.DisplayElement.ParentGroup.IsExpanded = true; e.Inner.Cancel = true; } } } } Stefan >A user performs the following actions: >1- Selects the first or second column in a summary row in a grid (via mouse-click, making it the current cell in the grid). >2- Scrolls the grid horizontally to about the grid''s midpoint (width). >3- Expands the summary row by clicking on the ''+'' sign which is a frozen column(hence always visible). > >The grid then ignores the user''s scrolled position and returns to the selected row (undoing the user''s scrolling). > >What I''d like to do is move the current cell to the the column the user scrolled to (while staying in the same row) when the user clicks a summary row for expansion. > >thanks.

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