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Please, can anybody tell me if is possible to use the IDataErrorInfo interface provided by my custom business objects with a GridDataBoundGrid bounded to a typed collection of those objects to display in the headers the error icon? Thanks

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team April 3, 2005 04:54 PM UTC

The GridDataBoundGrid does not try to make any use of any IDataErrorInfo objects. So, you would have add code to make use of such objects. Here is one forum thread that has a sample showing one way to display error information on a row. Maybe you can use something similar. http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/Forums/message.aspx?MessageID=21730

PB Paolo Beda April 3, 2005 06:25 PM UTC

many thanks, this solve my problem, the example I''ve with Essential Suite doesn''t show the case of GridDataBoundGrid. Paolo

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