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Sending Data from Sql Data reader to Excel sheet as a (Snapshot) without looping Statement

Hi , I have a windows C#.Net application , this application want to send a data that get it from Sql data reader into a grid but without a looping e.g.: int i=1; Region.Parameters["@iRegion"].Value=i; SqlDataReader Dr = Region.ExecuteReader(); //Loop process //read the current record //Put each field on the appropriate grid cell //go to next record on the data reader //End loop I''m Using Sql server 2000 as a database and suppose the data reader gets about 10,000 records this is not accepted for the user because it will do more response time, so I want a method that sends the data to : 1- I want to take this data to an Excel file with the same way that done with the grid , but first It should check if there is a previous data available at the Excel sheet if there is a data then , it should remove it first then send the new data to the Excel sheet. If this possible only through (DTS) how I do this by C# code based on the information that comes from Data reader on the Upper Example? 2-IF the looping is Must I heared that there is a methods called (Beginupdate,Endupdate) How I use this methods , explain by peace of C# code. Thanks

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