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KeyPress event Enter in cell

Enter is not catched by the gridControl1_CurrentCellKeyPress event in the gridControl Is it normal ? how to do this ?

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 29, 2005 03:05 PM UTC

Is it possible not to move to the next cell when cliking on Enter

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 29, 2005 03:43 PM UTC

You can set the EnterKeyBehavior property to control how the current cell moves when you press Enter. Me.GridControl1.EnterKeyBehavior = GridDirectionType.Right If you want to catch the enter key on a cell that is being edited, then try the CurrentCellControlKeyMessage event. To get teh key code, you can use Dim keyCode As Keys = CType(e.Msg.WParam.ToInt32 And Keys.KeyCode, Keys) You also need to check the message as this eent is raised for both KeyDown and KeyUp.

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