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"5 most recent" menus

Hi, Is there an easy was of creating a menu which 'remembers' for example a file menu which remembers the five last files opened and displays them at the bottom of the menu. I'm sure you've seen this type of thing. I can imagine ways of doing it by just dynamically adding and removing menu items, I just wandered if there was a neater way? Thanks.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team May 17, 2002 07:02 PM UTC

I don't think there is any other "neater" way to do this WinForms menus. In Essential Tools XPMenus, however, we have a special menu item (called ListBarItem) that can take a StringList and display the list and menu items (throwing special events to notify item click). We infact use it to implement the same Most-Recently-Used files-list in our demo (VS.Net demo) and samples. -Praveen Ramesh

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