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Reordering columns in a databound GridListControl

I got a GridList for wich I set the datasource to an arraylist. My question is how can I set the order in wich the columns containing the properties of my custom class are displayed in the gridlist? Something like public class whatEver private strname as string = "Name" private strlastname as string = "Lastname" public property name as string get name=strname end get end property public property lastname as string get lastname=strlastname end get end property end class public class withTheGrid public sub aSub() dim a as new arraylist grdList.beginupdate grdList.dataSource = a a.add(new whatever) a.add(new whatever) grdList.endupdate end sub end class Now I got the info right, but let''s say it prints the name then the lastname, how do I get it to do the opposite.

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 22, 2005 06:40 PM UTC

You can control the display order of the properties in your ArrayList objects by having your ArrayList implement ITypedList. Here is a forum thread that has sample code. http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/Forums/message.aspx?MessageID=9194 In the GetItemsProperties, get the default property order using the techinque shown in this forum thread. But before returning the collection, reorder the colection to the order you prefer.

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