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grid sizing

How can I size the grid control to be the size of the actual grid? (I''m trying to avoid gray space at the bottom and to the right) Thanks, Steve

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 16, 2005 12:46 AM UTC

You can try setting its ClientSize to be sum of the colwidths and the rowheights. Dim width As Integer = Me.gridControl1.Model.ColWidths.GetTotal(0, Me.gridControl1.ColCount) Dim height As Integer = Me.gridControl1.Model.RowHeights.GetTotal(0, Me.gridControl1.RowCount) Me.gridControl1.ClientSize = New Size(width, height)

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 16, 2005 12:46 AM UTC

You can try setting its ClientSize to be sum of the colwidths and the rowheights. Dim width As Integer = Me.gridControl1.Model.ColWidths.GetTotal(0, Me.gridControl1.ColCount) Dim height As Integer = Me.gridControl1.Model.RowHeights.GetTotal(0, Me.gridControl1.RowCount) Me.gridControl1.ClientSize = New Size(width, height)

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