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Working with hiearchical grid

I need to handle the changes to a column in the parent row and distribute the value to the child rows. I hook the CurrentCellChanged event and this works well, but I need to determine what table and column the CurrentCell is bound to. How would I go about this?

1 Reply

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team February 3, 2003 04:07 PM UTC

The GridBoundRecordState class holds information about the hierarchy level and the record displayed at a specific row. Each row in the grid is associated with a GridBoundRecordState. The ChildList property of the GridBoundRecordState class returns a reference to the child list. (E.g. DataRowView when you browse a DataTable) Use GridModelDataBinder.GetRecordStateAtRowIndex to get access to state information of a row. Let me know if you were looking for something different. Stefan

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