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I have a strange problem I have a comboboxcell but when i clik on it it does not open... I use the V2.0.5 and i inherit from the gridControl I fill the list with base[1,index].DataSource=Mylist;

5 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 4, 2005 06:19 PM UTC

Is the style for this cell have any special properties set that might be interferinh with the click? Like style.ReadOnly, style.Enabled, style.Clickable. If you look at the grid\samples\CellTypes\ComboboxCells sample, it shows various setting that might affect teh combobox being droppable.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 7, 2005 10:26 AM UTC

They are all set right... ArrayList list=new ArrayList(); list.Add ("item1"); list.Add ("item2"); list.Add ("item3"); base[1,index].DataSource=list; where i inherit form GridControl and where thisRow=new GridStyleInfo(); thisRow.BaseStyle="Standard"; thisRow.Clickable=true; thisRow.CellType="ComboBox"; thisRow.DropDownStyle=GridDropDownStyle.Exclusive; It looks like the the databinding is not done and the list is empty althought the base[1,index].IsEmpty is false...

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 7, 2005 10:51 AM UTC

Your code worked for me using in this sample. http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/user/uploads/GC_2109ArrayList_7e45336e.zip Does this sample work for you with 2051? (Make sure you build it before you try to open it in the designer as there is a derived class in it). If not, and you want to use a collection of strings as your dropdown, then create a StringCollection holding teh strings, and set this as the cell''s style.ChoiceList (and do no use the DataSource property) to see if that will work for you.

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 7, 2005 11:03 AM UTC

Yes it works on 2.0.5...so the problem is coming from elsewhere... The only difference i have with you code is that all the code you have in the form is in my inherited control and where you write gridControl1[1,index].DataSource i have base[1,index].DataSource because this syntax is not accepted this[1,index].DataSource ...

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 7, 2005 12:27 PM UTC

Clay i found the problem ! It was coming from the fact that the selection was set to false and in _grid_CurrentCellActivating e.colindex=0 I fix it by adding a test Thanks so much for your help Thiker

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