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Virtual Grid Refresh

I have a virtual grid which is populated solely through QueryCellInfo. Everytime QueryCellInfo is triggered, rows and columns are checked to determine what the properties(color, celltype etc.) are and what kind of data will be put into that cell. Apart from the usual times when QueryCellInfo is triggered, I specifically call currentcell refresh() when a user changes a cell and thsi works fine. However, I have another callback that gets triggered when data arrives from another source and this happens at a very rapid rate. When I call current cell refresh or refreshrange or even try to refresh the grid, I start noticing problems with the grid painting and ultimately I end up with an out of range exception. My questions is, why would these 2 callbacks behave diffrenetly, even though they call the same refresh methods ? I am sure I am missing something here. Any help or pointers will be much appreciated. Regards Chak

2 Replies

AD Administrator Syncfusion Team March 4, 2005 04:20 PM UTC

Are you using multiple threads? If so, you need to make sure all accesses into the grid are done on the thread that created the grid. Not doing this will lead to problems like you described. Here is a KB link on using multiple threads with a GridControl. http://www.syncfusion.com/Support/article.aspx?id=572

AC A. Chakravarty "Chak" March 4, 2005 10:37 PM UTC

Thanks again. That was it. I was using the multithreaded version of a DLL. Once I coded around the multithreaded callbacks, it works smoothly now. Regards Chak

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